Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT A to Z

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Alphabetical Listings

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Topic Link Description
Abandoned containers Regulated material management resources for abandoned containers.
ABC Ramps Downtown Minneapolis parking ramps that offer discounted rates for carpoolers and convenient parking for commuters and event goers.
About MnDOT Information about what MnDOT does, how to get involved, transportation funding, career opportunities and contacts
Accelerated Bridge Construction A resource for to get forms, presentations, and guidance about Accelerated Bridge Construction.
Access Management Planning, design and implementation of land use and transportation strategies.
Accessibility and ADA Information about the Americans with Disabilities Act, accessibility rights, MnDOT's implementation plan and complaint forms
Accessibility resources for documents and websites This is a SharePoint site that gives you many accessibility-related guides, resources, how-to, best practices, and FAQs.
Accessible Pedestrian Signal Information about accessible pedestrian signals, which provide directions through verbal, audible and tactile means to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
ADA and accessibility resources for documents and websites This is a SharePoint site that gives you many accessibility-related guides, resources, how-to, best practices, and FAQs.
ADA Design and Construction Tools Tools for accessible design and construction
Addresses of MnDOT Statewide Offices Contact information and addresses for MnDOT offices
Adopt A Highway Adopt A Highway Program information and criteria for enrolling
Advanced Materials & Technology Find information about Veta software, Veta classes, and other intelligent construction technology resources.
Advancing Equity The Office of Advancing Equity exists to carry forward the momentum statewide on creating greater community trust by advancing equity through MnDOT¿s contracting and purchasing power.
Advertising - Highway Signs FAQs and procedures regarding the logo sign program and how businesses can display their logo on highway signs
Advertising Permits Permits, forms and guidelines for billboards and other outdoor advertising
Aeronautics Aviation news and weather, aircraft registration, forms and licenses, events and useful links
Aggregate Sources Gravel pit and rock quarry aggregate source information
Aggressive Driving or Drivers Learn the characteristics of an aggressive driver and what to do if confronted by one.
Air Quality Analysis Air quality analysis resources and contacts
Aircraft Registration Aircraft registration, pay bills online, search aircraft registry and aviation-related links
Airport Influence Maps Maps for areas under the influence of the rules and regulations of Minnesota's publicly owned airports
Allied Radio Matrix for Emergency Response (ARMER) Radio communications and information about MnDOT's role in the Allied Radio Matrix for Emergency Response (ARMER)
Alternative Transportation Finance Information about innovative financing and ideas for innovative ways to fund and finance transportation projects
American Indian Partnerships Tribes and Transportation advocacy council, annual conference, employment issues, training and government-to-government agreements
Americans with Disabilities Act Information about the Americans with Disabilities Act, accessibility rights, MnDOT's implementation plan and complaint forms
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Reports, maps, shapefiles, locations, excel tables and lists
Apply for an oversize/overweight permit Apply for an oversize/overweight permit.
Approved/Qualified Products List Information about all MnDOT approved products and how to submit a product for approval
Archaeological Predictive Model Geographic Information System-based tools that show archaeological sites in Minnesota.
Arden Hills Training and Conference Center MnDOT Shoreview Training and Conference Center information and reservation details
Area Transportation Partnerships Information about transportation planning partners including representatives from MnDOT, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Regional Development Commissions, counties, cities, tribal governments, special interests, and the public
ARMER Radio communications and information about MnDOT's role in the Allied Radio Matrix for Emergency Response (ARMER)
Art Index - Transportation Building
Arterial Bus Rapid Transit (aBRT) (Metro) Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Artist in Residence MnDOT is evaluating how to elevate the aesthetic, environmental, social and cultural values of a community within a transportation project. By hosting the Community Vitality Fellow, MnDOT can pilot innovative public-private partnerships and incorporate new methods of public engagement with the goal of improving project outcomes in both urban and rural settings across state of Minnesota.
Asbestos assessment and removal Building and bridge demolition/relocation resources, including assessment and notification processes and asbestos and regulated waste removal guidelines
Asset Management MnDOT Transportation Asset Management Plan and other asset management resources and contacts
Audible Pedestrian Signal Information about accessible pedestrian signals, which provide directions through verbal, audible and tactile means to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Audit Contacts for audit activities
Automated and connected vehicle technology MnDOT is exploring the safe use of an automated bus in cold weather climates to position itself as a leader in this fast emerging technology area.
Automated bus pilot project MnDOT is exploring the safe use of an automated bus in cold weather climates to position itself as a leader in this fast emerging technology area.
Automated Rapid Transit Automated Rapid Transit research and contacts
Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) Reports and about ATR
Aviation Aviation news and weather, aircraft registration, forms and licenses, events and useful links
Axle, weight, trailer, and tire limitations Weight, axle and tire limitations as well as maximum legal dimensions, maximum number of vehicle units, obtaining oversize or overweight permits