Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT A to Z

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Alphabetical Listings

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Topic Link Description
Damage to Vehicle - Claims Answers to when MnDOT is liable for damage to your car or property and how to file a claim.
Data Practices Contacts, resources and procedures for data practices requests
DBE Program Information and forms for the program that strives to give socially and economically disadvantaged business owners the equal opportunity to participate in MnDOT contracts and projects
Dead Deer Please share your questions and comments with us.
Dedicated funds expenditures task force Dedicated funds expenditures task force website. Find meeting minutes and meeting materials.
Deer detection and warning system MnDOT project to reduce the number of deer/vehicle crashes in troublesome locations, resulting in fewer crashes, deaths, injuries, and property damage
Density Profiling System A pooled fund research consortium focused on advancing and improving the dielectric profiling system based on experience and needs from participants.
Density Profiling System (Pooled Fund) A pooled fund research consortium focused on advancing and improving the dielectric profiling system based on experience and needs from participants.
Department Results Read about the progress towards meeting the priority goals and performance measures identified by Minnesota's 23 cabinet departments
Design Planning and design tools for construction projects, including tools for accessible design
Design Flexibility Performance-Based Practical Design (PBPD) is an approach to road and street engineering that right sizes projects in order to achieve the best transportation system we can afford.
Design Layout Development Tools and information related to the geometric design of highways and the development of geometric layouts
Design Scene and Guidance Design Scene resources and guidance
Design System (web & graphics) Standards, guidelines and resources for MnDOT websites and graphics.
Design-Bid-Build Quality Management Process Guidance documentation and class listings to enhance quality management initiatives for project activity within the design-bid-build environment.
Design-Build Information, forms, policies and laws for the design-build program and links to past, present and future design-build projects
Diabetic Waiver Waivers and cover letters for hearing, insulin-dependent diabetic, physical, vision.
Dining Permits Minnesota cities and townships can apply to use part of the state highway right of way to serve food and beverages. MnDOT will issue permits after commercial use of right of way is authorized.
Disability Parking General information and links to plate and certificate eligibility, application and more
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Information and forms for the program that strives to give socially and economically disadvantaged business owners the equal opportunity to participate in MnDOT contracts and projects
Disclaimer MnDOT's privacy statement and disclaimers
Discrimination Complaint Form Discrimination Complaint Form - Equity and Diversity at MnDOT
Distance-Based Fee This research develops an incremental approach to implementing distance-based fees through the "shared mobility" model.
District Fact Sheets If you're looking for facts about the districts, this is the first, best place to look.
District Offices MnDOT district offices
District work plans The 10-year Capital Highway Investment Plan (CHIP) details MnDOT¿s capital highway investments for the next ten years on the state highway network.
Diverging Diamond Interchange Diverging Diamond Interchanges (DDI) cut overall traffic delays up to 60 percent, improve safety by eliminating standard intersection geometrics and conflict points, and provide better traffic operations.
Diversity and Inclusion At MnDOT, we encourage a diverse and inclusive workforce that allows each employee to contribute their full potential towards achieving MnDOT's strategic vision.
Diversity Training Diversity and Inclusion series.
Document accessibility This is a SharePoint site that gives you many accessibility-related guides, resources, how-to, best practices, and FAQs.
Document Management Reference copies of maps, plats, permits, plans, survey records, and Commissioner's Orders.
Documents Reference copies of maps, plats, permits, plans, survey records, and Commissioner's Orders.
DOT Health Card U.S. Department of Transportation information about DOT Health cards
Drainage Asset Management HydInfra Culvert and Storm Drain Inspection
Drainage Manual MnDOT Drainage Manual and Tech Memos, which are updated regularly by the Bridge Hydraulics Office
Driver's License MnDOT does not manage driver and vehicle services such as licenses, tabs or titles. The Department of Public Safety is the contact for those services.
Driveway Permits Form and instructions to apply for access driveway permits to or across railbank property
Driveways Information about driveway reflectors and how to clear your driveway in the winter to reduce the possibility of becoming snowbound after snow plows complete their work
Drones Under Minnesota state law, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) or drones are required to be registered with MnDOT Office of Aeronautics.