Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT A to Z

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Alphabetical Listings

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Topic Link Description
Fabricated Structural Metals Supplier Qualification Standard MnDOT Supplier Qualification Standard and approved suppliers for fabricated structural metals products
Facility Design Guide The Facility Design Guide provides guidance for designers of roads, highways, and other facilities.
Fact Sheets If you're looking for facts about the districts, this is the first, best place to look.
FAST Act FAST, the 2015 federal transportation act, was signed by President Obama on Dec. 4, 2015. It replaces MAP-21, the 2012 federal transportation act.
Federal Highway Administration - Minnesota Division FHWA Minnesota Division home page providing information on projects, programs, regulations, partners, contacts and resources
FHWA and MnDOT Stewardship and Oversight Agreement (PDF) FHWA Minnesota Division and Minnesota Department of Transportation Stewardship and Oversight Agreement
FIRST The FIRST program aims to minimize congestion and prevent secondary crashes by responding quickly and removing incidents.
Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act FAST, the 2015 federal transportation act, was signed by President Obama on Dec. 4, 2015. It replaces MAP-21, the 2012 federal transportation act.
Flagger Training Information about the training course used to qualify MnDOT contractors' personnel to train employees to act as flaggers on construction projects
Flashing Yellow Arrow Locations using the flashing yellow arrow, and what the arrow signs mean
Fleet and Equipment Resources Fleet and equipment management, purchasing and maintenance, inventory/supplies and resources
Floods Resources for traveling through areas affected by flooding
Fly or Drive Calculator Calculation tool to determine the cost effectiveness of flying or driving
Fly-Ins - Aeronautics A list of fly-in events and safety seminars
Forecasting (for traffic) Tools, processes and procedures
Foundations Materials and road research resources and contacts
Freeway Incident Response, Safety Team (FIRST) The FIRST program aims to minimize congestion and prevent secondary crashes by responding quickly and removing incidents.
Freeway operations Freeway traffic operations in the Twin Cities metro area, including Freeway Incident Response Safety Team (FIRST), Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC), and more.
Freight Advisory Committee, Minnesota MFAC, the Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee, is a partnership between government and business that meets quarterly to exchanges ideas and recommend policy and actions.
Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations External website for freight planning, rail, waterways, and commercial vehicles
Freight Plan This 2015 Statewide Freight System Plan will provide a policy framework and strategies for MnDOT and other public and private sector freight stakeholders to guide planning and investment in various transportation modes.
Functional Classification Resources and information relating to grouping streets and highways according to the type of service they are intended to provide
Funding and Finance Overview of funding and spending by MnDOT as well as related financial information