Minnesota Department of Transportation

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MnDOT A to Z

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Topic Link Description
I-35W Bridge - Mississippi River Crossing in Minneapolis Lighting information, photos and more of the I-35W Bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis
IIJA Match Program This funding is available to grant recipients that have directly received a federal discretionary award for a transportation-related purpose under IIJA and will be used as matching funds.
Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) IDIQ is a type of contract that provides for an indefinite quantity of work during a fixed period of time.
Independent Assurance & Sampling The Independent Assurance & Sampling program provides an unbiased check and review on all contractor and agency testing procedures, personnel and equipment.
Information for Contractors Bid results, how to bid on MnDOT construction and maintenance projects, advertisements, documents, e-plans, forms, documents and pre- and post-letting information
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Match Program This funding is available to grant recipients that have directly received a federal discretionary award for a transportation-related purpose under IIJA and will be used as matching funds.
Innovation Find out about innovation at MnDOT.
Innovative Contracting MnDOT initiatives to reduce construction time and delivery of projects, improve quality and develop new processes to administer projects
Innovative Transportation Finance Information about innovative financing and ideas for innovative ways to fund and finance transportation projects
Insulin-Dependent Diabetic Waiver Waivers and cover letters for hearing, insulin-dependent diabetic, physical, vision.
Intelligent Compaction Specifications and general resources related to intelligent compaction technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) / Traffic Management Systems (TMS) Design Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) is electronics, communications, or information processing systems or services used singly or in combination to improve the safety and efficiency of the surface transportation system.
International Partnership Meeting Transportation Research Board International Partnership Meeting
Internships Jobs at MnDOT for high school and college students
Interregional Corridor System Map and study for the Interregional Corridor System, which aims to provide efficient connections between regional trade centers to facilitate the movement of people and goods
Intersection Conflict Warning Systems Learn how intersection conflict warning systems reduce the number and severity of crashes
Intersection Control Evaluation - ICE Purpose, general information and process of Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE), which provides guidelines to objectively analyze and make recommendations for controlling intersections
Investment Management Links to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the Highway Investment Plan (HIP), Performance Measures and plans such as the Statewide Transportation Policy Plan
Issue Neutral, informal, independent service to help you resolve your transportation concerns and complaints.