Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT A to Z

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Alphabetical Listings

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Topic Link Description
Lab Manual Link to the MnDOT Laboratory Manual, which outlines laboratory test procedures for materials testing as well as links to materials forms and related resources
Labor Compliance Prevailing wage resources for MnDOT, local government agency and consulting firm personnel, contractors and employees
Labor Contracts
Land Management Information for property owners, research and reports, survey, photogrammetric, platting, interactive geodetic maps.
Land Surveyor Programs Information, resources and contacts for the programs designed to recruit, retain and train new civil engineers and land surveyors
Landscaping Landscaping resources and contacts, including certified landscape specialist training and landscape partnership program info
Landscaping Partnership Program Application process and criteria, partnership programs, resources and contact information to participate in the program
Lane Closure Manual (Metro) Determines the appropriate time of day for planning and scheduling lane and/or shoulder closures on MnDOT owned and operated roadways.
Layout Development Tools and information related to the geometric design of highways and the development of geometric layouts
Legislative Updates Reports and contacts for Government Affairs
Let's Talk Transportation A platform for people to get informed and have their say about our plans, projects, and programs
Library MnDOT library information and services, Transportation Libraries Catalog, electronic documents and databases, research materials and contacts
Licenses Minnesota state licenses
Light Rail (Metro) Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Light Rail Transit Schedules, station locations, maps, departure times and more for the light rail line from downtown Minneapolis to the Mall of America
Light Weight Deflectometer Equipment, methods and specifications for using the deflection test method for compaction requirements
Lighting How to get a roadway light installed or fixed and other information about lighting along Minnesota highways
Limousine Limousine applications, forms, regulations, statutes, and online learning.
Living Snow Fences Information about snow fence design to control blowing and drifting snow as well as links to types of snow fences, benefits and partners
Load Limits Seasonal load limits, overweight permits, contacts and related links
Loans and Grants for Local Government Information about State Aid construction projects, plans, programs, administration, resources and contacts
Local Partnership Program LPP provides transportation partnership opportunities with local agencies and constructs highway improvements that are mutually beneficial at locations that are not currently programmed on state highways.
Logo - 511 Downloadable MnDOT logos
Logo - MnDOT Downloadable MnDOT logos
Logo Downloads Downloadable MnDOT logos
Logo Signs FAQs and procedures regarding the logo sign program and how businesses can display their logo on highway signs
Logos and Infographics for Work Zone Safety Download work zone safety winter and summer graphics
LRFD Bridge Design Manual The LRFD Bridge Design Manual contains MnDOT Bridge Office procedures for the design, evaluation and rehabilitation of bridges
LRT (Metro) Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.