Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT A to Z

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Alphabetical Listings

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Topic Link Description
MAASTO Information about the Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials, including members, committees, and officers.
Maintenance State highway maintenance information and links for reporting a maintenance issue
Maintenance Systems Operations Plan The HSOP documents policy, strategies, performance targets and investment priorities for maintenance and operations-related activities
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) MN MUTCD manual on traffic controls for certain areas, general provisions, signs, standard devices and pedestrian safety (links to PDFs)
Manuals Online manuals and publications, how to request printed maps and manuals, and order forms
Manufacturers' Perspectives Projects Manufacturers' Perspectives projects are designed to understand the freight transportation needs of Minnesota businesses.
Map and Manual Sales Maps and manuals available to the public as well as paper map order forms and contact information
Mapping Land Management site with links to property acquisition, maps, right of way issues, research and reports, survey information and resources
Maps Minnesota state maps including regional maps, traffic maps, state park maps, a mileage chart and more
Materials and Road Research Materials and road research resources and contacts
Materials Lab Testing and Inspection Research and laboratory testing of materials for construction and maintenance projects as well as related links
Measures Reports and background about MnDOT's performance measurement process
Media Room - for Reporters Links to news releases and project pages, media contacts, data practices, photos, logos and more
Medical Waivers for Motor Carriers Waivers and cover letters for hearing, insulin-dependent diabetic, physical, vision.
Memorial Markers MnDOT's policy on roadside memorials (PDF)
Meters Facts, studies and FAQs about ramp meters, which are traffic signals on highway entrance ramps designed to reduce crashes and congestion
Metro - Arterial Bus Rapid Transit (aBRT) Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Metro - Blue Line Extension - Bottineau LRT Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Metro - Blue Line LRT Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Metro - Bottineau LRT (Blue Line Extension) Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Metro - Central Corridor LRT Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Metro - Commuter Rail Lines Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Metro - Green Line Extension - Southwest LRT (SWLRT) Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Metro - Green Line LRT Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Metro - Hiawatha LRT Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Metro - Light Rail Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Metro - LRT Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Metro - Northstar Commuter Rail Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Metro Design
Metro District Preliminary Design
Metro District Traffic Engineering Links to the six units of Metro Traffic Engineering, which is responsible for designing, operating and maintaining Metro District's traffic control services and engineering support
Metro Green Line Website for the light rail transit line connecting downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul primarily along University Ave
Metro Maintenance Links to report a pothole, find utility permits, equipment management, safety and more
Metro Materials Metro District Materials resources and contacts
Metro Right of Way Metro District Right of Way resources and contacts
Metro Traffic Conditions Traveler information including road maps with current construction, closures and delays, and weather-related road conditions
Metro Water Resources Metro District water resources engineering
Metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) Plans, requirements and resources for metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs).
MFAC MFAC, the Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee, is a partnership between government and business that meets quarterly to exchanges ideas and recommend policy and actions.
Mileage and Lane Miles (Statewide) Statewide miles and lane mileage by route system for each county and by trunk highway route system for each county, district and other categories
Mileage-Based User Fee The Mileage-Based User Fee (MBUF) project explores alternative forms of transportation revenue that may be necessary in the future.
Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee MFAC, the Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee, is a partnership between government and business that meets quarterly to exchanges ideas and recommend policy and actions.
Minnesota GO MnDOT is crafting a vision for all types of transporation for the next 50 years. Tell us what you think the future holds for Minnesota and share your vision for transportation.
Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices MN MUTCD manual on traffic controls for certain areas, general provisions, signs, standard devices and pedestrian safety (links to PDFs)
Minnesota Maps Minnesota state maps including regional maps, traffic maps, state park maps, a mileage chart and more
Minnesota Name a Snow Plow MnDOT's annual Name a Snow Plow contest
Minnesota Nonmotorized Transportation Advisory Committee Information, news, events and resources pertaining to bicycle transportation in Minnesota
Minnesota Rail Service Improvement Program A program designed to rehabilitate deteriorating rail lines, improve rail-shipping opportunities, and preserve and maintain abandoned rail corridors for future transportation uses
Minnesota Ride Link Learn how this project is improving access for veterans, military families, and other customers to transportation resources.
Minnesota Road Research Materials and road research resources and contacts
Minnesota Uniform Certification Program (Mn/UCP) Mn/UCP includes MnDOT, the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC), the Metropolitan Council and other state and local transportation authorities that are recipients of federal funds for transportation projects
Mississippi River Trail Mississippi River Trail resources and contacts
Mississippi Valley Conference Information about the Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials, including members, committees, and officers.
Mn/Model Geographic Information System-based tools that show archaeological sites in Minnesota.
MnCon(X), MnCogo, Mn(Get)DataSheets, MnLevel, Mn(L)Trans, MnMultShot, and MnViewControl Software Download survey software for free.
MnCORS - RTRN GNSS MnCORS - Minnesota Continuously Operating Reference Stations Real-Time Reference Network Global Navigation Satellite Systems
MnDOT Background Information about what MnDOT does, how to get involved, transportation funding, career opportunities and contacts
MnDOT Jobs Information about MnDOT professional career paths, student programming, job openings, and resources to create resumes and applications, and prepare for interviews.
MnDOT Logo Downloadable MnDOT logos
MnDOT Organization Chart Printable MnDOT organization chart
MnDOT Statewide Offices Contact information and addresses for MnDOT offices
MnMap Customized GIS applications
MnPAVE MnDOT flexible pavement design: mechanistic-empirical method program, user's guide and useful links
MnPILE static-load test frames We have two static-load test frames available to use for free on any public transportation project in Minnesota.
MnROAD MnROAD is Minnesota's Cold Weather Road Research Facility
MnSHIP The 20-year Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP) links the policies and strategies laid out in the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan to capital improvements on the state highway system.
Monarch Highway Learn how MnDOT is encouraging the growth of native plants along roadsides to create a habitat for pollinators such as honey bees, insects, birds and Monarch butterflies.
Motor Carrier Services Oversize and overweight (truck) permits, seasonal weight limits, driver and vehicle information, regulations concerning hazardous materials and links to training and partner information
Motor Vehicle Registration MnDOT does not manage driver and vehicle services such as licenses, tabs or titles. The Department of Public Safety is the contact for those services.
Mowing/haying permit Mowing/haying permit
MPOs Plans, requirements and resources for metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs).
MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) resources and permits
Multimodal Planning Links to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the Highway Investment Plan (HIP), Performance Measures and plans such as the Statewide Transportation Policy Plan
Municipal Consent Information and resources about the Municipal Consent process
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) resources and permits
MUTCD MN MUTCD manual on traffic controls for certain areas, general provisions, signs, standard devices and pedestrian safety (links to PDFs)