Alphabetical Listings
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M | |
Topic Link | Description |
MAASTO | Information about the Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials, including members, committees, and officers. |
Maintenance | State highway maintenance information and links for reporting a maintenance issue |
Maintenance Systems Operations Plan | The HSOP documents policy, strategies, performance targets and investment priorities for maintenance and operations-related activities |
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) | MN MUTCD manual on traffic controls for certain areas, general provisions, signs, standard devices and pedestrian safety (links to PDFs) |
Manuals | Online manuals and publications, how to request printed maps and manuals, and order forms |
Manufacturers' Perspectives Projects | Manufacturers' Perspectives projects are designed to understand the freight transportation needs of Minnesota businesses. |
Map and Manual Sales | Maps and manuals available to the public as well as paper map order forms and contact information |
Mapping | Land Management site with links to property acquisition, maps, right of way issues, research and reports, survey information and resources |
Maps | Minnesota state maps including regional maps, traffic maps, state park maps, a mileage chart and more |
Materials and Road Research | Materials and road research resources and contacts |
Materials Lab Testing and Inspection | Research and laboratory testing of materials for construction and maintenance projects as well as related links |
Measures | Reports and background about MnDOT's performance measurement process |
Media Room - for Reporters | Links to news releases and project pages, media contacts, data practices, photos, logos and more |
Medical Waivers for Motor Carriers | Waivers and cover letters for hearing, insulin-dependent diabetic, physical, vision. |
Memorial Markers | MnDOT's policy on roadside memorials (PDF) |
Meters | Facts, studies and FAQs about ramp meters, which are traffic signals on highway entrance ramps designed to reduce crashes and congestion |
Metro - Arterial Bus Rapid Transit (aBRT) | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Metro - Blue Line Extension - Bottineau LRT | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Metro - Blue Line LRT | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Metro - Bottineau LRT (Blue Line Extension) | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Metro - Central Corridor LRT | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Metro - Commuter Rail Lines | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Metro - Green Line Extension - Southwest LRT (SWLRT) | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Metro - Green Line LRT | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Metro - Hiawatha LRT | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Metro - Light Rail | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Metro - LRT | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Metro - Northstar Commuter Rail | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Metro Design | |
Metro District Preliminary Design | |
Metro District Traffic Engineering | Links to the six units of Metro Traffic Engineering, which is responsible for designing, operating and maintaining Metro District's traffic control services and engineering support |
Metro Green Line | Website for the light rail transit line connecting downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul primarily along University Ave |
Metro Maintenance | Links to report a pothole, find utility permits, equipment management, safety and more |
Metro Materials | Metro District Materials resources and contacts |
Metro Right of Way | Metro District Right of Way resources and contacts |
Metro Traffic Conditions | Traveler information including road maps with current construction, closures and delays, and weather-related road conditions |
Metro Water Resources | Metro District water resources engineering |
Metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) | Plans, requirements and resources for metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs). |
MFAC | MFAC, the Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee, is a partnership between government and business that meets quarterly to exchanges ideas and recommend policy and actions. |
Mileage and Lane Miles (Statewide) | Statewide miles and lane mileage by route system for each county and by trunk highway route system for each county, district and other categories |
Mileage-Based User Fee | The Mileage-Based User Fee (MBUF) project explores alternative forms of transportation revenue that may be necessary in the future. |
Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee | MFAC, the Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee, is a partnership between government and business that meets quarterly to exchanges ideas and recommend policy and actions. |
Minnesota GO | MnDOT is crafting a vision for all types of transporation for the next 50 years. Tell us what you think the future holds for Minnesota and share your vision for transportation. |
Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices | MN MUTCD manual on traffic controls for certain areas, general provisions, signs, standard devices and pedestrian safety (links to PDFs) |
Minnesota Maps | Minnesota state maps including regional maps, traffic maps, state park maps, a mileage chart and more |
Minnesota Name a Snow Plow | MnDOT's annual Name a Snow Plow contest |
Minnesota Nonmotorized Transportation Advisory Committee | Information, news, events and resources pertaining to bicycle transportation in Minnesota |
Minnesota Rail Service Improvement Program | A program designed to rehabilitate deteriorating rail lines, improve rail-shipping opportunities, and preserve and maintain abandoned rail corridors for future transportation uses |
Minnesota Ride Link | Learn how this project is improving access for veterans, military families, and other customers to transportation resources. |
Minnesota Road Research | Materials and road research resources and contacts |
Minnesota Uniform Certification Program (Mn/UCP) | Mn/UCP includes MnDOT, the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC), the Metropolitan Council and other state and local transportation authorities that are recipients of federal funds for transportation projects |
Mississippi River Trail | Mississippi River Trail resources and contacts |
Mississippi Valley Conference | Information about the Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials, including members, committees, and officers. |
Mn/Model | Geographic Information System-based tools that show archaeological sites in Minnesota. |
MnCon(X), MnCogo, Mn(Get)DataSheets, MnLevel, Mn(L)Trans, MnMultShot, and MnViewControl Software | Download survey software for free. |
MnCORS - RTRN GNSS | MnCORS - Minnesota Continuously Operating Reference Stations Real-Time Reference Network Global Navigation Satellite Systems |
MnDOT Background | Information about what MnDOT does, how to get involved, transportation funding, career opportunities and contacts |
MnDOT Jobs | Information about MnDOT professional career paths, student programming, job openings, and resources to create resumes and applications, and prepare for interviews. |
MnDOT Logo | Downloadable MnDOT logos |
MnDOT Organization Chart | Printable MnDOT organization chart |
MnDOT Statewide Offices | Contact information and addresses for MnDOT offices |
MnMap | Customized GIS applications |
MnPAVE | MnDOT flexible pavement design: mechanistic-empirical method program, user's guide and useful links |
MnPILE static-load test frames | We have two static-load test frames available to use for free on any public transportation project in Minnesota. |
MnROAD | MnROAD is Minnesota's Cold Weather Road Research Facility |
MnSHIP | The 20-year Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP) links the policies and strategies laid out in the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan to capital improvements on the state highway system. |
Monarch Highway | Learn how MnDOT is encouraging the growth of native plants along roadsides to create a habitat for pollinators such as honey bees, insects, birds and Monarch butterflies. |
Motor Carrier Services | Oversize and overweight (truck) permits, seasonal weight limits, driver and vehicle information, regulations concerning hazardous materials and links to training and partner information |
Motor Vehicle Registration | MnDOT does not manage driver and vehicle services such as licenses, tabs or titles. The Department of Public Safety is the contact for those services. |
Mowing/haying permit | Mowing/haying permit |
MPOs | Plans, requirements and resources for metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs). |
MS4 | Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) resources and permits |
Multimodal Planning | Links to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the Highway Investment Plan (HIP), Performance Measures and plans such as the Statewide Transportation Policy Plan |
Municipal Consent | Information and resources about the Municipal Consent process |
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) | Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) resources and permits |
MUTCD | MN MUTCD manual on traffic controls for certain areas, general provisions, signs, standard devices and pedestrian safety (links to PDFs) |