Minnesota Department of Transportation

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MnDOT A to Z

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Topic Link Description
P/T Notices MnDOT's professional/technical contracts and consultant pre-qualification program
Paint Removal Guidelines Regulated material management resources for waste, building and bridge demolition, paint removal, roadway incident response, abandoned containers and more
Park and Ride Lots (Metro Transit) Park for free at many Park and Ride lot locations in Twin Cities Metro area by Metro Transit.
Parking at ABC Ramps Downtown Minneapolis parking ramps that offer discounted rates for carpoolers and convenient parking for commuters and event goers.
Passenger Rail Current services and lines in Minnesota, current studies and news
Password Reset How to unlock your network account and reset your password from work or home
PaveCool Download PaveCool, an asphalt pavement cooling assistance tool for paving in adverse weather
Pavement Buckles How pavement buckles are formed and how to report them
Pavement Design Structural design information and resources for pavement design
Pavement Management Collection and analysis of pavement condition data offered in summaries, fact sheets and manuals
Pavement Markings Includes news, manuals, specifications, tech memos and purpose of pavement markings
Pavement Preservation Pavement Preservation is the practice of applying the right treatment on a road at the right time to extend pavement service life and longevity.
Pavement Research Materials and road research resources and contacts
Pavement Smoothness MnDOT smoothness program and links to specifications, worksheets, publications and presentations
Paver mounted thermal profiling Quality management-Intelligent Construction Technology (ICT) Consists of using ICTs to monitor compaction and placement operations during grading, reclamation and asphalt paving operations. Includes technologies such as Intelligent Compaction (IC) and Paver Mounted Thermal Profiling (PMTP). Equipment added to a paver which continually monitors the surface temperate of the mat immediately behind the trailing edge of the paver screed during asphalt placement operations
Pedestrian Accommodations through Work Zones Pedestrian accomodations through work zones
Pedestrian Programs Pedestrian safety, laws about pedestrian rights and responsibilities, pedestrian design and planning, resources and related links
Pedestrian Safety Pedestrian safety, crosswalk law and crash facts
Pedestrian Signal - Audible Information about accessible pedestrian signals, which provide directions through verbal, audible and tactile means to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Performance Evaluation Application The Performance Evaluation Application allows users (internal and external) to electronically submit a performance evaluation on a Professional/Technical (P/T) contract.
Performance Measures Reports and background about MnDOT's performance measurement process
Performance-Based Practical Design Performance-Based Practical Design (PBPD) is an approach to road and street engineering that right sizes projects in order to achieve the best transportation system we can afford.
Permits Permit applications and instructions
Phoenix High School Student Worker Program Jobs at MnDOT for high school students
Physical Waiver Waivers and cover letters for hearing, insulin-dependent diabetic, physical, vision.
Planner Resources Plan Development Guidelines eDOCs (revised May 2022)
Planning and Programming Links to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the Highway Investment Plan (HIP), Performance Measures and plans such as the Statewide Transportation Policy Plan
Plant Selector Select suitable plants for landscaping and/or roadside conditions
Plats Reference copies of maps, plats, permits, plans, survey records, and Commissioner's Orders.
Plow Facts Winter safety and plow information
PMG - Planning Management Group Plan Development Guidelines eDOCs (revised May 2022)
Policies MnDOT policies, policy program and development, and contacts
Pollinators Learn how MnDOT is encouraging the growth of native plants along roadsides to create a habitat for pollinators such as honey bees, insects, birds and Monarch butterflies.
Port Development Assistance Program Provides the state's public port authorities with capital investment funding assistance through grants
Portal Link to Portal
Ports and Waterways MnDOT improves essential transportation connections, access and movement along Minnesota's marine freight system
Pothole Reporting Report potholes and other highway hazards
Potholes Information about how potholes form, video clip from the Minnesota Local Road Research Board and "The Birth of a Pothole" clip put together by the Michigan Department of Transportation, contacts and more
Pre-qualification Program for Consultants MnDOT's professional/technical contracts and consultant pre-qualification program
Prescribed Fire Prescribed fire resources and contacts
Prevailing Wage Prevailing wage resources for MnDOT, local government agency and consulting firm personnel, contractors and employees
Privacy MnDOT's privacy statement and disclaimers
Professional Technical Consultant Public Notices MnDOT's professional/technical contracts and consultant pre-qualification program
Profile Summary Worksheets Contractor smoothness pay adjustment worksheets
Profiler Certification Inertial profiler certification, operator training and assessment, list of certified operators and smoothness measuring devices
Program Management, Metro Transportation plans, programs, services and contact information for the Twin Cities Metro Area
Programs and Performance Measures Links to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the Highway Investment Plan (HIP), Performance Measures and plans such as the Statewide Transportation Policy Plan
Project Email Updates Sign up to receive email updates about construction and roadwork
Project Management Resources, support, and training information for MnDOT project managers
Project selection Information on how MnDOT selects highway construction projects
Property Acquisition Customer Feedback Survey Form Database of direct purchase customer feedback.
Property for Sale Pictures, descriptions, bid forms and instructions to purchase properties for sale
Property Owners Guide Information for property owners along state highways
Proposal Sequence Sequence chart and documents for completing a bidding proposal as well as contact information
Prorate for interstate commerce The Driver and Vehicle Services division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety administers the prorate system for commercial motor vehicles who do business across state lines.
Protected Species MnDOT incorporates measures to avoid, minimize and mitigate impacts to protected fish, wildlife and plant species into the design and construction of our transportation projects.
Public Engagement Public engagement at MnDOT refers to the agency's commitment to listen first and ultimately inform, consult, involve, collaborate and/or empower stakeholders and the public in transportation decision making.
Publications Online manuals and publications, how to request printed maps and manuals, and order forms
Publications - Research MnDOT Research offices and programs