Alphabetical Listings
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R | |
Topic Link | Description |
RACER | The Roadway And Characteristic Electronic Request (RACER) application assists in the entry and execution of change requests for roadway and characteristic changes to the State of Minnesota's Linear Referencing System. |
Rail | Minnesota's passenger rail system, plans, rail safety, education and resources |
Rail Plan | State Passenger and Freight Rail Plan for Minnesota, which provides guidance for rail initiatives and investments in the state |
Rail Service Improvement Program | Rail rehabilitation and loan program |
Ramp Meters | Facts, studies and FAQs about ramp meters, which are traffic signals on highway entrance ramps designed to reduce crashes and congestion |
Ready-Mix | Program to ensure quality control of concrete production done using ready-mix concrete plants |
Recruitment Programs | Jobs at MnDOT for high school and college students |
Red Wing Bridge Project | Highway 63 bridge project over Mississippi River in Red Wing |
Reduced conflict intersections | Guidance and resources for navigating J-turns on Minnesota roadways. |
Reflectors (for Driveway) | Information about driveway reflectors and how to clear your driveway in the winter to reduce the possibility of becoming snowbound after snow plows complete their work |
Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC) | RTMC is where State Patrol, MnDOT Maintenance, and MnDOT Freeway Operations work together to quickly detect, respond to and remove incidents off of our freeway systems. |
Regulated Materials | Regulated material management resources for waste, building and bridge demolition, paint removal, roadway incident response, abandoned containers and more |
Renew an oversize/overweight permit | Renew an oversize/overweight permit. |
Report Dangerous Driving | Report unsafe driving incidents that you witness on Minnesota freeways and highways |
Report dead deer | Please share your questions and comments with us. |
Report Potholes and Other Highway Hazards | Report potholes and other highway hazards |
Report Roadkill | Please share your questions and comments with us. |
Report Wrongdoing | Report concerns about misuse of resources, mismanagement or misconduct, ethics violations or other situations involving violation of a state law, rule or policy that occur in the workplace |
Research & Innovation | MnDOT Research offices and programs |
Rest Areas | Safety rest areas and waysides services, locations, traveler information and more |
Restaurant Permits | Minnesota cities and townships can apply to use part of the state highway right of way to serve food and beverages. MnDOT will issue permits after commercial use of right of way is authorized. |
Revolving Loan Fund | Information and resources related to the state fund that provides low interest loans for transportation projects |
Rideshare Program | Information about how to save money and time by participating in the rideshare program |
Right of Way | Links to right of way issues and various land management resources |
Right of Way Manual | Right of Way manual online |
Right of Way maps | Land Management site with links to property acquisition, maps, right of way issues, research and reports, survey information and resources |
Road Closures and Conditions | Traveler information including road maps with current construction, closures and delays, and weather-related road conditions |
Road Conditions | Traveler information including road maps with current construction, closures and delays, and weather-related road conditions |
Road Construction | Search by highway number for general information about current and planned highway improvement projects throughout the state for the current construction season |
Road Design Manual | Downloadable Road Design Manual chapters as well as road design contact information |
Road Diet | A road diet is an infrastructure strategy which converts a traditional four-lane undivided configuration to a three‐lane undivided comprised of one through lane in each direction and a center two‐way left‐turn lane (TWLTL). |
Road Markings | Includes news, manuals, specifications, tech memos and purpose of pavement markings |
Road Plans | Reference copies of maps, plats, permits, plans, survey records, and Commissioner's Orders. |
Road Restrictions | Seasonal load limits, overweight permits, contacts and related links |
Roadkill | Please share your questions and comments with us. |
Roadside Safety Design | Roadside barriers, such as guardrail and median barriers, are often used to reduce the severity of roadside crashes by preventing the motorist from reaching hazardous roadside obstacles or terrain. The guidance found here will assist practitioners in the use and design of longitudinal barriers, end terminals, and crash cushions. |
Roadside Vegetation | Roadside vegetation contacts and resources, including herbicide use and policy, certified/approved vendors, native and invasive species info and more |
Roadway And Characteristics Editor Request Application | The Roadway And Characteristic Electronic Request (RACER) application assists in the entry and execution of change requests for roadway and characteristic changes to the State of Minnesota's Linear Referencing System. |
Roadway Data | Reports for vehicle miles traveled, mileage and lane miles, construction project logs, control sections and more |
Roadway Incident Response | Regulated material management resources for waste, building and bridge demolition, paint removal, roadway incident response, abandoned containers and more |
Roadway Project Mapping Application (RPMA) | Interactive viewer used to determine the begin and end points, and Carto measures (formerly "True Miles"), of projects going into CHIMES. Uses the static HPMS subset of LRS data. |
Roundabouts | Roundabout driving tips, animations, benefits and additional information |
Rules and Statutes | State statutes, rules, contested cases, rulemaking, rulemaking docket and transportation regulation proceedings, and other MnDOT hearings |
Rumble Strips | Rumble Strips are groves or rows of indents in the pavement, designed to alert inattentive drivers. |
Rural Intersection Conflict Warning Program | Learn how intersection conflict warning systems reduce the number and severity of crashes |