Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT A to Z

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Alphabetical Listings

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Topic Link Description
Safe Routes to School Safe Routes to School program focuses on improving safety conditions and the quality of bicycling and walking routes to school
SAFETEA-LU Details about the six-year transportation reauthorization act (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users)
Safety Safety information on a variety of transportation-related topics for the public and MnDOT partners
Safety Recognition Program Established to recognize employees and work groups who have demonstrated excellence in workplace safety
Scenic Byways List of Minnesota's scenic byways along with a clickable map for more information on each scenic byway
Schedule of Materials Control Outlines the minimum sampling and testing rates required for most materials used in MnDOT highway construction (links to PDFs)
Seasonal Load Limits Seasonal load limits, overweight permits, contacts and related links
Seed Mixes Information on seeding, seed mixtures and vegetation establishment recommendations from Erosion Control and Stormwater Management
Seeds Student Worker Program Jobs for post-secondary/college students at MnDOT
Self-driving vehicle technology MnDOT is exploring the safe use of an automated bus in cold weather climates to position itself as a leader in this fast emerging technology area.
Shoreview Training and Conference Center MnDOT Shoreview Training and Conference Center information and reservation details
Signing Signing plans, manuals, specifications, design, training, reservation road signs and related information
Small Business Impacts Construction impacts on small businesses and a report entitled Mitigation of Transportation Impacts
SMART Boards
Smoothness Program MnDOT smoothness program and links to specifications, worksheets, publications and presentations
Snelling Avenue Reconstruction Snelling Avenue in the Hamline Midway area of St. Paul
Snow and Ice Snow and ice, winter driving, plowing, anti-icing, pre-wetting, de-icing, winter logos and graphics.
Snow and Ice Reports Maintenance resources and reports including the annual Winter Report at a Glance.
Snow Fences - Living Information about snow fence design to control blowing and drifting snow as well as links to types of snow fences, benefits and partners
Snow Plow Contest MnDOT's annual Name a Snow Plow contest
Snow Plow Facts Winter safety and plow information
Snow Trap Inventory Information about snow fence design to control blowing and drifting snow as well as links to types of snow fences, benefits and partners
Snowmobile Registration Snowmobiles may be registered with the Department of Natural Resources or the Minnesota Department of Motor Vehicles.
SNTC A committee that serves as the central advisory body to develop non-motorized transportation, goals, policies, and standards in Minnesota.
Social Media MnDOT's social media channels in one place.
Sound Barriers Noise analysis resources, including contacts, studies, photos, policies and more
Southwest LRT (SWLRT) (Green Line Extension) (Metro) Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems.
Special Provisions Special provisions boiler plates, format, proposal sequence and contacts
Special Transportation Services Resources, guides, regulations, applications and more for providers of transportation services for the elderly or disabled
Speed Limits Information about speed limits, how they are set, maps, laws and more
Sponsorship The Highway Sponsorship Program works with individuals, community organizations and businesses seeking to beautify the highway right of way with landscaping, pollinator habitat and expanded maintenance.
Spring Road/Load Restrictions Seasonal load limits, overweight permits, contacts and related links
St. Anthony Falls Bridge - Mississippi River Crossing Lighting information, photos and more of the I-35W Bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis
St. Cloud Training Center MnDOT St. Cloud Training Center information and reservation details
Standard Plan Sheets List of standard plans for grading, surfacing, drainage and erosion control and more (links to PDFs)
Standard Plans Standard Drawings for use in Construction Plans
Standard Plates List of MnDOT's approved standard drawings (PDFs)
Standard Specifications for Construction MnDOT standard specifications for construction
State Aid Information about State Aid construction projects, plans, programs, administration, resources and contacts
State Aid Finance Links to finance and accounting information, reports, forms, manuals and contacts
State Aid Metro Information about Metro State Aid programs, payments, training, and resources
State Entry Signs Information about the signs that greet visitors as they enter the state or invite them to visit again when they leave
State Highway Investment Plan The 20-year Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP) links the policies and strategies laid out in the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan to capital improvements on the state highway system.
State Job Search Search for State of Minnesota jobs; resume tips, search tips and more
State Junkyard Control Program Guidance for junkyard control along Minnesota highways
State licenses Minnesota state licenses
State Map View or download the Official State Highway Map
State Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Committee A committee that serves as the central advisory body to develop non-motorized transportation, goals, policies, and standards in Minnesota.
State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Information about the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which identifies the schedule and funding of transportation projects by state fiscal year
Statewide Multimodal Planning Links to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the Highway Investment Plan (HIP), Performance Measures and plans such as the Statewide Transportation Policy Plan
Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan Links to the 20-year Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan (SMTP), MnDOT's long-range plan for transportation investment and decision-making.
Statewide Parcel Map Land Management site with links to property acquisition, maps, right of way issues, research and reports, survey information and resources
Statewide Pedestrian System Plan The Statewide Pedestrian System Plan serves as a framework for how pedestrian needs and interests will be met on our state highways.
Static We have two static-load test frames available to use for free on any public transportation project in Minnesota.
STEM Education and Outreach MnDOT STEM program resources for educators
Stewardship and Oversight Agreement between FHWA and MnDOT (PDF) FHWA Minnesota Division and Minnesota Department of Transportation Stewardship and Oversight Agreement
Stillwater Lift Bridge Information about the bridge including lift bridge schedule
STIP Information about the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which identifies the schedule and funding of transportation projects by state fiscal year
Stop signs - conflict warning system Learn how intersection conflict warning systems reduce the number and severity of crashes
Student internships and jobs Jobs at MnDOT for high school and college students
Supplier Qualification Standard for Suppliers of Fabricated Structural Metals MnDOT Supplier Qualification Standard and approved suppliers for fabricated structural metals products
Surplus Equipment and Vehicles Fleet and equipment management, purchasing and maintenance, inventory/supplies and resources
Surveying Land Management site with links to property acquisition, maps, right of way issues, research and reports, survey information and resources
Surveying Software Download survey software for free.
Sustainability and Public Health Sustainability aligns with the MnDOT Vision of a multimodal transportation system that maximizes the health of people, the environment and our economy.