Alphabetical Listings
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Topic Link | Description |
Safe Routes to School | Safe Routes to School program focuses on improving safety conditions and the quality of bicycling and walking routes to school |
SAFETEA-LU | Details about the six-year transportation reauthorization act (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users) |
Safety | Safety information on a variety of transportation-related topics for the public and MnDOT partners |
Safety Recognition Program | Established to recognize employees and work groups who have demonstrated excellence in workplace safety |
Scenic Byways | List of Minnesota's scenic byways along with a clickable map for more information on each scenic byway |
Schedule of Materials Control | Outlines the minimum sampling and testing rates required for most materials used in MnDOT highway construction (links to PDFs) |
Seasonal Load Limits | Seasonal load limits, overweight permits, contacts and related links |
Seed Mixes | Information on seeding, seed mixtures and vegetation establishment recommendations from Erosion Control and Stormwater Management |
Seeds Student Worker Program | Jobs for post-secondary/college students at MnDOT |
Self-driving vehicle technology | MnDOT is exploring the safe use of an automated bus in cold weather climates to position itself as a leader in this fast emerging technology area. |
Shoreview Training and Conference Center | MnDOT Shoreview Training and Conference Center information and reservation details |
Signing | Signing plans, manuals, specifications, design, training, reservation road signs and related information |
Small Business Impacts | Construction impacts on small businesses and a report entitled Mitigation of Transportation Impacts |
SMART Boards | |
Smoothness Program | MnDOT smoothness program and links to specifications, worksheets, publications and presentations |
Snelling Avenue Reconstruction | Snelling Avenue in the Hamline Midway area of St. Paul |
Snow and Ice | Snow and ice, winter driving, plowing, anti-icing, pre-wetting, de-icing, winter logos and graphics. |
Snow and Ice Reports | Maintenance resources and reports including the annual Winter Report at a Glance. |
Snow Fences - Living | Information about snow fence design to control blowing and drifting snow as well as links to types of snow fences, benefits and partners |
Snow Plow Contest | MnDOT's annual Name a Snow Plow contest |
Snow Plow Facts | Winter safety and plow information |
Snow Trap Inventory | Information about snow fence design to control blowing and drifting snow as well as links to types of snow fences, benefits and partners |
Snowmobile Registration | Snowmobiles may be registered with the Department of Natural Resources or the Minnesota Department of Motor Vehicles. |
SNTC | A committee that serves as the central advisory body to develop non-motorized transportation, goals, policies, and standards in Minnesota. |
Social Media | MnDOT's social media channels in one place. |
Sound Barriers | Noise analysis resources, including contacts, studies, photos, policies and more |
Southwest LRT (SWLRT) (Green Line Extension) (Metro) | Within MnDOT's Metro District, the Transit Section provides several shared services to partners in developing, designing and constructing transit systems. |
Special Provisions | Special provisions boiler plates, format, proposal sequence and contacts |
Special Transportation Services | Resources, guides, regulations, applications and more for providers of transportation services for the elderly or disabled |
Speed Limits | Information about speed limits, how they are set, maps, laws and more |
Sponsorship | The Highway Sponsorship Program works with individuals, community organizations and businesses seeking to beautify the highway right of way with landscaping, pollinator habitat and expanded maintenance. |
Spring Road/Load Restrictions | Seasonal load limits, overweight permits, contacts and related links |
St. Anthony Falls Bridge - Mississippi River Crossing | Lighting information, photos and more of the I-35W Bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis |
St. Cloud Training Center | MnDOT St. Cloud Training Center information and reservation details |
Standard Plan Sheets | List of standard plans for grading, surfacing, drainage and erosion control and more (links to PDFs) |
Standard Plans | Standard Drawings for use in Construction Plans |
Standard Plates | List of MnDOT's approved standard drawings (PDFs) |
Standard Specifications for Construction | MnDOT standard specifications for construction |
State Aid | Information about State Aid construction projects, plans, programs, administration, resources and contacts |
State Aid Finance | Links to finance and accounting information, reports, forms, manuals and contacts |
State Aid Metro | Information about Metro State Aid programs, payments, training, and resources |
State Entry Signs | Information about the signs that greet visitors as they enter the state or invite them to visit again when they leave |
State Highway Investment Plan | The 20-year Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP) links the policies and strategies laid out in the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan to capital improvements on the state highway system. |
State Job Search | Search for State of Minnesota jobs; resume tips, search tips and more |
State Junkyard Control Program | Guidance for junkyard control along Minnesota highways |
State licenses | Minnesota state licenses |
State Map | View or download the Official State Highway Map |
State Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Committee | A committee that serves as the central advisory body to develop non-motorized transportation, goals, policies, and standards in Minnesota. |
State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) | Information about the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which identifies the schedule and funding of transportation projects by state fiscal year |
Statewide Multimodal Planning | Links to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the Highway Investment Plan (HIP), Performance Measures and plans such as the Statewide Transportation Policy Plan |
Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan | Links to the 20-year Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan (SMTP), MnDOT's long-range plan for transportation investment and decision-making. |
Statewide Parcel Map | Land Management site with links to property acquisition, maps, right of way issues, research and reports, survey information and resources |
Statewide Pedestrian System Plan | The Statewide Pedestrian System Plan serves as a framework for how pedestrian needs and interests will be met on our state highways. |
Static | We have two static-load test frames available to use for free on any public transportation project in Minnesota. |
STEM Education and Outreach | MnDOT STEM program resources for educators |
Stewardship and Oversight Agreement between FHWA and MnDOT (PDF) | FHWA Minnesota Division and Minnesota Department of Transportation Stewardship and Oversight Agreement |
Stillwater Lift Bridge | Information about the bridge including lift bridge schedule |
STIP | Information about the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which identifies the schedule and funding of transportation projects by state fiscal year |
Stop signs - conflict warning system | Learn how intersection conflict warning systems reduce the number and severity of crashes |
Student internships and jobs | Jobs at MnDOT for high school and college students |
Supplier Qualification Standard for Suppliers of Fabricated Structural Metals | MnDOT Supplier Qualification Standard and approved suppliers for fabricated structural metals products |
Surplus Equipment and Vehicles | Fleet and equipment management, purchasing and maintenance, inventory/supplies and resources |
Surveying | Land Management site with links to property acquisition, maps, right of way issues, research and reports, survey information and resources |
Surveying Software | Download survey software for free. |
Sustainability and Public Health | Sustainability aligns with the MnDOT Vision of a multimodal transportation system that maximizes the health of people, the environment and our economy. |