Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT A to Z

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Alphabetical Listings

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Topic Link Description
Vacancy Information about MnDOT professional career paths, student programming, job openings, and resources to create resumes and applications, and prepare for interviews.
Vacation Donation Program Information, resources and contact for the vacation donation program
Value Engineering Information, links and contact for MnDOT's Value Engineering program, which conducts studies and implements the resulting recommendations for projects
Vehicle Classification Site maps, scheme and about vehicle classification
Vehicle Miles Traveled or VMT VMT by route system for each county, city, district and functional class
Vehicle or Property Damage - Claims Answers to when MnDOT is liable for damage to your car or property and how to file a claim.
Vehicle Registration MnDOT does not manage driver and vehicle services such as licenses, tabs or titles. The Department of Public Safety is the contact for those services.
Veta Veta is software that maps and analyzes data collected from intelligent construction technology.
Vision and Mission MnDOT's Vision, Mission, Core Values and Strategic Operating Plan.
Vision for Transportation MnDOT is crafting a vision for all types of transporation for the next 50 years. Tell us what you think the future holds for Minnesota and share your vision for transportation.
Vision Waiver Waivers and cover letters for hearing, insulin-dependent diabetic, physical, vision.
Visitor Parking (Central Office) Employee and visitor parking details for Central Office ramp
Visualization Computer-generated renderings of proposed roadway designs, including photo simulations and animations, to aid in the project development process